Weight Loss Management and Appetite Suppressant

This is another great product from our Biohacking experts. It’s a non-dairy “enhancer” that you add to any caffeinated beverage. It is most often used in coffee, but it can be used in anything that contains caffeine. Let us introduce you to “plos something extra Thermo.” Once added to your Coffee or Beverage of choice, it will start working it’s magic. This product was developed to Support Healthy Weight Management and Contribute to a Healthy Metabolism. It also does a great job with Appetite Control and the Conversion of Fat to Energy. On top of that it Contributes to Healthy Lipid Synthesis and Plays a Role in the Metabolism of Nutrients. Have you ever heard of anything this awesome?

Lifestyle Benefits


There have been so many “Coffee Diets” advertised over the years, and none of them have ever worked or been healthy. But, as a result of biohacking, we now have plôs Thermo.  plôs Thermo is a convenient, healthy way to feel better, have more confidence, and get you closer to your weight loss goals. All you need to do is simply squeeze it into your favorite hot or cold beverage and enjoy the burst of energy you’ll get!

Let this “Amazing” Non-Dairy Enhancer help you lose 10-20 pounds of unwanted fat and inches a month!

I have been on plenty of diets in my life. As a result I can tell you that I wasn’t happy with any of them. Losing weight and then gaining it right back again. Starving myself and eating the same old bland food until I couldn’t take it anymore! Only to gain it back when I stopped. It’s the proverbial YoYo effect, if you know what I mean. None of the the diets I tried ever made me feel better, or healthier either. Not until I tried plôs Thermo.

Eat When You Want To Eat

plôs Thermo is super easy to take, and I feel great when I wake up and I’m ready to start my day! On top of that, it has great benefits too, like intensified weight loss, curbing your cravings like nothing I’ve seen before, and increasing your metabolism! As your cravings start going away, you don’t feel hungry all the time either. Portion control will no longer be an issue because your not as hungry. Above all, for me, my “comfort eating” is almost completely gone. I eat when I’m hungry! Give it a try, it can’t get any easier!

  • No need to exercise!
  • No need to be on any Special Diets!
  • We don’t need to measure anything out.
  • No need to change our lifestyles around this.
  • Be set with a Scientific Wonder that allows us to literally eat cake and lose weight!

Created With YOU In Mind

Velovita’s Biohacking formula is loaded with a powerful blend of Ingredients to bring you closer to your health and weight loss goals. Several large studies have actually implicated milk as a factor in the rising rates of obesity. In one study containing 4,286 women ranging from 60 to 79 years old, the ones that were non-milk drinkers benefited the most from lower insulin resistance levels, lower triglyceride levels and a lower BMI with higher levels of healthy HDL cholesterol.

Life is stressful enough.

If you’ve been looking for a healthy, safe way to control your appetite and conquer cravings, we’re excited for you to add plôs Thermo to your mornings. We also have the perfect partner to plôs Thermo! If you want to boost your weight loss then you have to check out Zlem! Zlem is our answer to better, deeper sleep with the added benefit of weight loss while you sleep! Click here to get more information about Zlem.

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